There’s a great deal more involved in building a sterling reputation as a responsible, trustworthy and knowledgeable generator sales concern than addressing a customer in person or telephonically and convincing the person to part with their hard-earned money for their purchase and the salesperson’s sale of a generator.
Professionally Speaking
Selling and supplying a modern, state-of-the-art generator carries a degree of responsibility and a great deal of knowledge about generators, their installation, commissioning, service and maintenance, fuel sources and safe operation. Much more than a mere exchange of money should accompany sales of such special equipment, professionally speaking.
Power Solutions Throughout Africa
Professional suppliers of residential, commercial, project-based and industrial generators like PacB and its Group Companies are operating throughout South Africa, as well as across the African Continent, fulfilling their additional, specialised roles that are connected with the professional sales of power solutions, plus allied products and services.
Allied and Sales-Related Considerations
Why Generators are Sold
Most private persons and companies which approach a concern that specialises in generator sales do so for a specific reason; they want or need to generate power that’s independent of Eskom’s ailing and failing national electricity supply network. Eskom is no longer reliably up to the task, whilst electricity remains a must-have resource throughout homes, offices, commerce, banking, factories, industries and processing or production plants.
Modern societies simply cannot be sustainable or successful without electricity. Following the establishment of Eskom in 1923, this organisation has been responsible for supplying virtually the entire country with electrical power, something that was accomplished very successfully, for a long time.
Enforced Sharing
However, since the latter half of the 2000s, as from 2007’s alarming electricity blackouts that subsequently became pre-planned outages, known as load shedding. Load shedding allows certain areas to have access to power at scheduled times, while others are blocked from use – enforcing the entire country to share whatever electricity Eskom is able to supply.
Once it became clear that this situation wasn’t going to change in a hurry, sales of generators have boomed, understandably so. Although there are several independent power producers in the country, they’ve not yet been authorised to supply or sell any excess power they generate to Eskom, in order to supplement what’s available from the national electricity grid without wasting excess production of such a precious commodity.
On Offer at PacB Group
Obtaining an independent power source and solution is really the only viable alternative that’s available to keep the power flowing, industry turning and comfortable, convenient lifestyles intact and uninterrupted.
Your choices from PacB include petrol or diesel generators or solar panels, irrespective of whether you require all your electricity from either source, or you only require the power solution as a backup when all else fails. Sales, supply, installation, commissioning, service and advice – all are on offer at PacB Group.
Our qualified technicians offer support and advice in the selection of the right power solution for your needs by calculating your power requirements.